To acquire a score, you’ll need to follow the process set by each verifier. Some score are permanent, while others are temporary and will need renewal over time. Through its integration with the BNB Attestation of Service (BAS), every score in BRS comes with a verifiable seal, which can be checked in a decentralized way through Unlike NFTs, BRS is a non-transferable proof of your significant milestones earned through participation and contributions within the BNB ecosystem.
Mint: Connect your wallet and mint your personal BRS for 0.00x BNB.
Invite: Share your referral code with friends to save on minting fees. BRS requires a minting fee of 0.001 BNB. When your referral code is activated, your friend can save 30% on their minting fees. Plus, for each friend who uses your code, you'll receive 0.0003 BNB.
Your BRS Score is verified, unchangeable, and linked to your wallet, serving as a permanent proof of your genuine contributions to BNB.